Quiz Environmental Science

QUIZ: UGC NET Paper 2 (Env Science)

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Quiz Environmental Science

Environmental Science Complete Quiz

100 Questions

1 / 100

1. Which of the following is NOT a type of solar thermal storage system?

2 / 100

2. The effectiveness of a biofilter for removing a specific gaseous pollutant depends primarily on:

3 / 100

3. In paper chromatography, the stationary phase is:

4 / 100

4. Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing soil organic matter decomposition?

5 / 100

5. Which type of baghouse filter media is most suitable for high-temperature applications?

6 / 100

6. Identify the correct statements about sampling theory:

I. A sample is a subset of a population.

II. Random sampling ensures every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.

III. The larger the sample size, the lower the sampling error.

7 / 100

7. Which GPCD is MOST effective at removing highly soluble acidic gases like hydrogen chloride (HCl)?

8 / 100

8. The “greenhouse effect” is primarily caused by:

9 / 100

9. In flood risk assessment, the term “100-year flood” refers to:

10 / 100

10. A coal-fired power plant releases 1000 kg of sulfur dioxide (SO2) per day. Given that the atomic weight of sulfur is 32 g/mol and oxygen is 16 g/mol, what is the molar mass of SO2? (EASY HAI ๐Ÿ™‚

11 / 100

11. When modeling pollutant dispersion in a river, what key assumption does the Plug Flow Reactor (PFR) model make about mixing?

12 / 100


Which type of radiation is most harmful to living organisms?

13 / 100

13. Which of the following is NOT a common type of reagent used in flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems?

14 / 100

14. “Producer Responsibility Organizations” (PROs) are primarily involved in:

15 / 100

15. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is primarily used to identify:

16 / 100

16. Which soil horizon is often referred to as “subsoil”?

17 / 100

17. Which of the following is NOT a type of tidal energy system?

18 / 100

18. Which of the following diversity indices best captures species turnover across habitats?

19 / 100

19. Which of the following factors does NOT directly influence the rate of pollutant generation in a water body?

20 / 100

20. Which soil order is associated with volcanic parent material?

21 / 100

21. Gravimetric analysis relies on the measurement of:

22 / 100

22. Theย  Indian regional satellite navigationย  system known as

23 / 100

23. The power coefficient (Cp) of a wind turbine is defined as the ratio of:

24 / 100

24. Which of the following gaseous pollutant control devices is NOT suitable for removing nitrogen oxides (NOx)?

25 / 100

25. The process of converting atmospheric nitrogen gas into ammonia by bacteria is called:

26 / 100

26. When conducting jar tests for flocculation studies, what is counted to assess the process?

27 / 100

27. Which GPCD is known for its ability to simultaneously remove both particulate and gaseous pollutants?

28 / 100

28. What is the difference between sterilization and disinfection?

29 / 100

29. Why is the detection of pathogens like Giardia and Cryptosporidium challenging in water testing?

30 / 100

30. Which particulate control device is MOST suitable for capturing submicron particles with high efficiency in a high-temperature industrial process?

31 / 100

31. The “intermediate disturbance hypothesis” suggests that:

32 / 100

32. The Kjeldahl method is used to determine:

33 / 100

33. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is best suited for the analysis of:

34 / 100

34. Flood mitigation strategies include:

35 / 100

35. A key disadvantage of geothermal energy compared to other renewable sources is:

36 / 100

36. If sยฒ is the variance of a sample of size N drawn from a normal population with variance ฯƒ, thenย  Nsยฒ/ฯƒยฒ has which one of the following distribution with (N-1) degrees of freedom ?

37 / 100

37. Which of the following is NOT a common method for identifying microorganisms?

38 / 100

38. The phenomenon of industrial smog is primarily associated with which type of pollution?

39 / 100

39. What is the primary limitation of using steady-state models for environmental systems?

40 / 100

40. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provides information on:

41 / 100

41. A baghouse is experiencing a rapid increase in pressure drop across the filter bags. What is the MOST likely cause?

42 / 100

42. In the context of climate change, “radiative forcing” refers to:

43 / 100

43. Gas chromatography (GC) separates components based on their:

44 / 100

44. The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale categorizes hurricanes based on:

45 / 100

45. The use of anthropoid hazard chemicals like DDT causes reduction in fish population
because the chemical mimics the effect of

46 / 100

46. The primary role of fungi in the biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus is:

47 / 100

47. The concept of “biodiversity hotspots” includes areas with:

I. High species richness

II. High endemism

III. Significant habitat loss

48 / 100

48. Identify the correct statements about biodiversity:

I. Biodiversity hotspots are regions with high species richness and endemism.

II. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international treaty aimed at conserving biodiversity.\

III. In-situ conservation involves preserving species in their natural habitats.

49 / 100

49. Which type of seismic wave is the fastest and first to arrive at a seismograph station?

50 / 100

50. Which law of thermodynamics explains the concept of energy degradation?

51 / 100

51. What is the primary electron acceptor in dissimilatory metal reduction?

52 / 100

52. Pyrolysis and gasification are thermal treatment processes primarily used for:

53 / 100

53. Landslide susceptibility maps are used to:

54 / 100

54. The concept of “environmental justice” in the context of air pollution refers to:

55 / 100

55. Which of the following techniques does NOT involve the use of X-rays?

56 / 100

56. The “A” value in soil fertility refers to:

57 / 100

57. Which of the following is NOT a primary macronutrient for plant growth?

58 / 100

58. Which type of solar cell has the highest efficiency?

59 / 100

59. Which soil structure is most desirable for plant growth?

60 / 100

60. Assertion (A): The use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture is a controversial topic.

Reason (R): There are concerns about the potential environmental and health impacts of GMOs.

61 / 100

61. Quorum sensing in bacteria is primarily mediated by:

62 / 100

62. The “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” is primarily composed of:

63 / 100

63. The “breakthrough point” in an adsorber refers to:

64 / 100

64. The rhizosphere is characterized by:

65 / 100

65. Which of the following is a crucial factor in avalanche formation?

66 / 100

66. The “Keeling Curve” is a graph that shows the variation of:

67 / 100

67. Which of the following is an example of a biological weathering process?

68 / 100

68. The “Law of the Minimum” in plant nutrition states that:

69 / 100

69. Which of the following is an example of a symbiotic relationship between a microbe and a plant?

70 / 100

70. The power output of a photovoltaic module is most sensitive to changes in:

71 / 100

71. Which of the following is NOT a type of chromatography?

72 / 100

72. Avalanches can be triggered by:

73 / 100

73. Which of the following is NOT a primary mechanism by which microbes contribute to soil aggregate formation?

74 / 100

74. In a dry scrubber system, the sorbent material typically reacts with the pollutant gas to form:

75 / 100


Which of the following is an example of a non-point source of pollution?

76 / 100

76. The Richter scale measures an earthquake’s:

77 / 100


Eutrophication in lakes is primarily caused by excessive input of:

  1. Nitrogen

  2. phosphorus

  3. ย Carbon dioxide

  4. Heavy metals

  5. Pesticides

78 / 100

78. How does the Earth’s radiation balance contribute to the greenhouse effect?

79 / 100

79. In anaerobic digestion, the conversion of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) to methane is primarily carried out by:

80 / 100

80. Biomagnification of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in food webs primarily affects:

81 / 100

81. The concept of “zero waste” aims to:

82 / 100

82. The primary challenge in the design of solar ponds for electricity generation is:

83 / 100

83. Which remote sensing technique uses sound waves to map the ocean floor?

84 / 100

84. Which type of cloud this is

85 / 100

85. The Coriolis effect plays a significant role in:

86 / 100

86. Which of the following is NOT a precursor to a volcanic eruption?

87 / 100

87. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of a soil is highest in:

88 / 100

88. The “Cradle-to-Cradle” approach to waste management emphasizes:

89 / 100

89. Flame photometry is most suitable for the quantitative determination of:

90 / 100

90. Which type of geothermal power plant is most suitable for areas with low-temperature geothermal resources?

91 / 100

91. Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) techniques offer the following advantages:

92 / 100

92. Early warning systems for tsunamis rely primarily on:

93 / 100

93. In an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) system, the working fluid typically has:

94 / 100

94. Which GPCD utilizes microorganisms to degrade pollutants?

95 / 100

95. In an ESP, the phenomenon of “back corona” is caused by:

96 / 100

96. The “informal sector” in waste management refers to:

97 / 100

97. The Mercalli Intensity Scale measures an earthquake based on:

98 / 100

98. An urban area generates 1000 tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) per day, and the waste has an average energy content of 10 MJ/kg. If a waste-to-energy plant can convert 25% of this energy into electricity, how much electricity (in MWh) can be generated daily?

99 / 100

99. In the Munsell color system, soil hue of 5YR indicates:

100 / 100

100. “Downcycling” of plastic waste refers to:

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